Many people are asking me about the 2024 numbers. As of last week the annual publication has not been released. I am aware that some entity has published their own list but I know not from where they got their data. As soon as I find a copy I'll have it online within 2 days.
Runs And Workers Sub-Menu
Here are the runs and workers for each company (in company number order.) You can download the files and resort them if you'd like to see them sorted differently. They're saved as worksheets and can be opened with Microsoft Excel.
Do you want to see the stats for a specific engine or ladder? Click here for engines or click here for ladders.
Explanation of terms used within: Runs are the number of times the company turned out; Workers are the number of alarms at which the company operated; OSW stands for Occupied Structural Worker and is a worker in an occupied building; EMS is the number of medical (CFR-D) runs.
Data source: FDNY Bureau of Operations Thanks also go to the The Fire Bell Club for proofreading.