


As summer winds down and autumn prepares to begin, the morning air becomes clear and crisp. Clouds that resemble big balls of cotton slowly parade against a beautiful azure blue sky. I get such a peaceful feeling in the morning when I leave the house and experience all of the grandeur of nature. It is a typical September morning. At least, it was until 2001. Since then, September does not feel as good anymore.

September always was a month of mixed feelings. Going back to my elementary school days it marked the beginning of another school year. I never looked forward to going back to school. I was a shy kid and did not make friends very easily. Towards the end of the month, I looked forward to my birthday in October. Of course, those were the days that I actually looked forward to my birthday. Now, feh.

After graduating high school and joining the workforce September did not hold any special allure, it was just another month. However, it did start the transition from summer to fall, and fall always felt more comfortable to me. I was never a fan of hot weather. I could open my car windows and feel the breeze. Going out at night there was a cool snap in the air that just made you feel alive.

It does not feel that way anymore.

Now every year, as the anniversary of 9/11 approaches there is heaviness in the air. News media begins to remind us of all of the ceremonies that will take place. Thoughts race back to all of the wakes, funerals, and memorials that we attended. The events of my day in the dispatch office replay in my mind all over again. Then, just as fast as the anniversary arrives so too does it depart. It feels like on September 12, the rest of the world goes about its business and chooses to erase the event. Next, move on, done.

For some of those who still get depressed this time of year it never ends. If you know of someone who survived the events of that day, be mindful that they might need privacy or they might need to open up. Be there for them or give them space.

As for me, wake me up when September ends so I can try to forget that I soon will be another year older.